We selected areas of approximately the same size that
encompassed the highest elevation sites in each sanc-
tuary as our sample landscapes for more detailed ana-
lysis. Aerial photographs taken in 1996 at the 1:50,000
scale were used to build more sensitive photomosaics
for each of these landscapes. Photographs were scan-
ned, interpreted and rectified with PCI remote sensing
software and mosaics constructed and then digitized
using ARCVIEW. Due to the high relative relief
between 20 and 40 ground control points were used for
each image along with a thin plate spline rectification
model (PCI, 1997). We used ‘‘FRAGSTAT version 2.0’’
(McGarigal and Marks, 1995) to analyze the spatial
configurations of these landscapes and the sample pat-
ches selected and compare between the oldest air photo
records available (1954) and the 1996 record. Total core
area for patches was defined by eliminating a 100 m
wide buffer around the perimeter of each patch.