I had known and worked with Sherlock Holmes for
almost four years when I first met Arthur Conan
ACD I always called him. Like me, he was a doctor,
and we quickly became old friends. He told me
amusing stories of hospital life, and I raid him about
my life as an army doctor in Afghanistan.
I often talked to him about Sherlock Holmes. At that
time most people had never heard of him. Only the
police and some criminals knew what a great
detective he was. ACD seemed to enjoy my stories
very much. He was never too tired to hear bout
another of Holmes's cases.
We met many times and enjoyed many
dinners together before I realized that ACD had a
special interest in Holmes. He wanted to be a writer,
and had already enjoyed a little success. Now he
wanted to write about Holmes, using
Le facts of a
real case, but adding his own ideas to the stor