The calibration procedure is performed according to
the standard ISO 7500-1 "Verification of static uniaxial
testing machines - Part 1: Tension/compression testing
machines - Verification and calibration of the forcemeasuring
system". We recommend to widen the definitions
of this standard and to include calibration of non-force units
scaled devices (as an example pressure gauges).
We analyze these methods using different accessories
and their influence on the uncertainty of calibration results.
As a very important part of calibration procedure is a correct
choice of the calibration mathematical model (interpolation
curve force-hydraulic pressure and hydraulic pressureforce),
there is a need to use a special software. Such is the
developed software FORCE-401-S which permits to
communicate the measurement line “load cell-amplifiercomputer”;
to choose the correct interpolation polynom;
enable to compute the errors and uncertainty values and
build the table of calibration results.