Actually this is how a matter, but are some people willing to mention with me carefully?” San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster curious asking.
After all he has not known, Chu Feng and Chu Luyang grudge.
But afterward, Sunset Cloud Valley Valley Master, then the process of matter, narrated with San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster.
„This matter, I pour did not think that the Chu Feng little friend has the mistake.” After knowing the truth, San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster decisive saying.
„The Chu Feng little friend naturally yes right, the key is Ying Celestial Clan, will not give up.” Su Jingrui also knits the brows to say.
At this moment, Sunset Cloud Valley Valley Master, suddenly stands up, is staring at Chu Feng, is very earnest saying: „The Chu Feng little friend, my Sunset Cloud Valley is willing to guarantee you.”
„If Ying Celestial Clan, is determined to cope with you, my Sunset Cloud Valley, is willing because of you, but declares war to Ying Celestial Clan.”
Such remarks, just like the flat land startling thunderclap, the liquor water in that Kou Kang mouth, has almost not spurted.
What situation? Sunset Cloud Valley is willing unexpectedly for Chu Feng, but declares war to Ying Celestial Clan? Isn't Ying Celestial Clan affable host?
However compares the shock in Kou Kang, Su Jingrui is light smiles, he already had as if guessed correctly, Sunset Cloud Valley Valley Master will make this decision.
As for Xu Yiyi, is shock so is incessantly simple, she is excited, delighted.
Had not understood she who Chu Feng value, has not thought , the Sunset Cloud Valley meeting is willing for Chu Feng, but with a Ying Celestial Clan war.
Must know, Ying Celestial Clan, is a very strong influence, compares in the Four Emperors of Spirit Formations mother, this Ying Celestial Clan is more formidabe.
„Sir Valley Master, this is I and Ying Celestial Clan personal grudge, Sunset Cloud Valley does not need to meddle.” Chu Feng said.
„The Chu Feng little friend, do not think, no matter you do join my Sunset Cloud Valley, my Sunset Cloud Valley regards you for the honored guest, regards you for the friend.”
„Friend has difficult, even if on under the mountain of sword the sea of fire does not refuse under any circumstances, therefore, this matter, my Sunset Cloud Valley can manage.” Sunset Cloud Valley Valley Master firm saying.
But hears this words, that Kou Kang complexion, is becomes is very unattractive.
He has not thought that Chu Feng so will settle on by Sunset Cloud Valley, even in the situation of person of Chu Feng non- Sunset Cloud Valley, Sunset Cloud Valley is also willing with Ying Celestial Clan that influence, the blade soldier to quarrel.
In this case, he and Xu Yiyi did not have to hope, because the Chu Feng treatment was too good, side this also explained that Chu Feng in status very high of Sunset Cloud Valley.
This status, he cannot compare.
However, what another Kou Kang despairs, when he is shocked in Sunset Cloud Valley to settling on Chu Feng, his teacher, San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster, stands up unexpectedly.
„I, although was just acquainted with the Chu Feng little friend, may actually admire feeling emotion of Chu Feng little friend to have the righteousness.”
„The Chu Feng little friend, you were correct, is Ying Liangchen damn, if Ying Celestial Clan is aggressive, must ask you to ask for an explanation.”
„My San Xing Palace Hall, wants host justice, fights for you and Ying Celestial Clan.” San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster said.
San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster such remarks, the not to mention that Kou Kang expression, and ate the excrement to be equally ugly, in the hand was grasping falling that the wine class, frightened on the ground.
With San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster, relates great Sunset Cloud Valley Valley Master, as well as Su Jingrui is also surprised.
Although, San Xing Palace Hall and Sunset Cloud Valley, book is the union influence, Sunset Cloud Valley has difficult, San Xing Palace Hall must strive to help in the fighting.
But San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster these words, obviously not to the Sunset Cloud Valley face, but said to the Chu Feng [smile | hear].
Especially that „fought for you and Ying Celestial Clan” has clarified his standpoint.
San Xing Palace Hall, must be Chu Feng over, this has nothing to do with Sunset Cloud Valley.
Because, this is in the San Xing Palace Hall Headmaster eye
Value that Chu Feng has.