I sincerely mean no offense. Can somebody point me to a video where Steve Jobs blows you away with his presentation skills ? A minute and a half. Or fifteen minutes. I don't care. I have never seen a presentation by Jobs that has impressed me. I don't know what everyone is talking about. The technology is impressive. And Jobs repeatedly comes to mind as a rebel, and almost a resilient hero when it comes to the history of computer science and industry. But onstage with a projector ? Talking to an audience ? I think people are somehow confusing the two. This watch?v=0lvMgMrNDlg is cool for watching him talk in 1980 to a small group of people. This watch?v=BNeXlJW70KQ is cool for him letting his enthusiasm shine through as he briefs his team of computer scientists. But onstage doing a MacWorld technology reveal, he's just not that compelling.