Drunk Titan Mod | 01042015
========== How to Use ==========
1. Copy and Paste "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file to "Managed" Folder
2. Play the Game :)
========== Features ===========
[-]Name : GinXX
[-]Guild : Akame ga Kill! Zero
[-]All titan will be drunk if you become a host
[-]Your titan will be drunk if you become a titan player
[-]Play as titan on all map (except PVP)
[-]Better titan stamina
[-]Titan Player speed increase a little bit
[-]50% chance to get crawler if play as Titan Player
[-]Titan Player can jump higher
[-]1000 total stat point
[-]stat max 500
[-]unlock all costume
[-]Join a game anytime
[-]Respawn delay on Deathmatch is 3s
[-]Stylis bar durable
[-]Lock distance increased
[-]Everyone can escape from grab once (except AHSS)
[-]Flare cooldown is 1s
[-]Dash power increase 50%
[-]No Delay for dash
[-]Can do a "dash" even the gas is empty
[-]Can launch rope even the gas is empty
[-]skill cooldown faster 10-fold
[-]Marco, Armin, and Sasha can perform the skill in the air
[-]Marco skill distance increased
[-]Sasha skill buff is 30s
[-]Armin skill distance increased
[-]Armin skill on crawler
[-]eren skill fix (not petra)
[-]Horse speed and jump increase a little bit
[-]Remove roar when transform to Titan Eren
[-]Titan Eren lifetime is 40s
[-]Titan Eren speed increased 50%
[-]Titan Eren 1 hit kill
[-]Quick Match and LAN button (but not work)