This might be
simply the choice of the name of the store, but retailers have also themselves
become names or brands of note. The approach to retailer
branding varies across the globe, but large retailers are becoming much
more concerned in managing their own retail names or brand (Burt and
Sparks, 2002). In the United Kingdom, retailers such as Tesco have
developed a very extensive and sophisticated branding strategy, which
has allowed them to leverage their name and reputation into sectors
other than their core business. In food retailing in the UK, retailer
brands (what others term own-label or private label) have become
dominant. Product supply is thus even more within the retailers’
control, and advertising and promotion are constantly reinforcing the
corporate brand. The retailer has become the brand and is trusted by
the consumer. This has allowed brand extension into services and
brand disaggregation in the core food business (see Table 2.3). Most UK
food retailers now have a structured branding approach targeting
specific consumer segments. Consistency, reliability and quality of
supply are thus critical.