Apparent mean fat digestibility was 92.5% (±3.7) with variation
between samples ranging from 73.5% to 98.5%, and in one sample
the analysis gave 100% apparent fat digestibility. During the study
period apparent fat digestibility increased from 91.9% in 2010 to
92.8% in 2013. Mean apparent digestibility of fat was higher when
water temperatures were above the mean water temperature 7.9 °C
and lower when water temperatures were below 7.9 °C; on average
93.4% and 91.6%, respectively. Further, apparent digestibility of fat
changed with site latitude; fat digestibility was 92.6% at sites in the southern
production area (south of 64.6°N) and 91.9% at sites in the northern
production area (north of 69°N).