Well I am Gary's wife, at least until I threw him out on the weekend when I found out about you.
You are not the first girlfriend he has had and no doubt won't be the last.
I hope you are proud of yourself fucking a married man, well done you, the morals of an ally cat.
Just letting you know this has destroyed the family, his kids hate him, my parents want to shoot him and his parents are heartbroken
We are living breathing people, but that probably doesn't matter to you. You got what you wanted.
Just remember Karma is coming to get you
Hello Sara
I don't have any bad feeling for you. I know Gary has not been in a good place and I am sorry that you got caught up in this mess.
I am a very nice person and I wish no bad things to you, I would be happy to be friendly.
I was very angry when I sent the message but we are in a better place now and I have asked him to get professional help. He is still living in Vanuatu but coming home once a month to see the kids and me, but it will take a long time to be healed.
God bless you and may you find happiness in your life