for changes and situation 12, some difficulties in
working were chosen in pretty high percentage, 72.6
and 71.8 respectively. However, situation 9, task force
but the group is not clear on it goals and situation 10,
no responding to redefining of standards were less
chosen, 20.5% and 15.4% respectively.
“Delegating” (S4): Head nurses chose
situation 11, handled its tasks and direction and
situation 4, a fine record of accomplishment and
respect for changes, with percentage of 15.4 and 13.7
respectively. Nevertheless, none of head nurses chose
situation 7, flexibility in its operations, situation 8,
performance and interpersonal relations are good but
insecure about performance effectiveness and situation
9, task force but the group is not clear on it goals.
Data and results in Table 3 indicated that
more than half of head nurses (58.1%) reported that
“Participating” (S3) was the most frequent style they
used. Only 24.8% of head nurses reported the use of
“Selling” (S2) and 3.4% reported the use of “Telling”
(S1). None of head nurses reported the use of
“Delegating” (S4) and 13.7% reported the use of two to
three leadership styles all together.
for changes and situation 12, some difficulties inworking were chosen in pretty high percentage, 72.6and 71.8 respectively. However, situation 9, task forcebut the group is not clear on it goals and situation 10,no responding to redefining of standards were lesschosen, 20.5% and 15.4% respectively.“Delegating” (S4): Head nurses chosesituation 11, handled its tasks and direction andsituation 4, a fine record of accomplishment andrespect for changes, with percentage of 15.4 and 13.7respectively. Nevertheless, none of head nurses chosesituation 7, flexibility in its operations, situation 8,performance and interpersonal relations are good butinsecure about performance effectiveness and situation9, task force but the group is not clear on it goals.Data and results in Table 3 indicated thatmore than half of head nurses (58.1%) reported that“Participating” (S3) was the most frequent style theyused. Only 24.8% of head nurses reported the use of“Selling” (S2) and 3.4% reported the use of “Telling”(S1). None of head nurses reported the use of“Delegating” (S4) and 13.7% reported the use of two tothree leadership styles all together.
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