Food security is one of the universally accepted and discussed current global issues of
the world. Its definition informs how diverse and complicated it can be to solve this problem.
It refers physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food for entire
population on our planet, and all the times. This sounds quite challenging task to accomplish.
Food security is not merely a question of food availability, but increasingly also a question of
access and even distribution of food. Globally food supply is unevenly distributed that leaves
a notable proportion of the world population food insecure while others live in abundance of
food. Better utilization and stability of food over time are also important aspects of food security.
Now it is understandably clear that food security involves multi-disciplines (sociology,
economics, political sciences, agriculture, environmental science, food science etc) as well as
sub-disciplines (for example in case of food science; food nutrition, food microbiology, food
biochemistry, food safety etc) to work together in order to realize the dream of global food
security. Table 1 explains how different branches of food sciences could play a role.