* CTPAT - Is this referring to Custom Trade Partnership Against Terrorists? If it is, no.. we do not have it.
* DG Safety advisor – Yes, we do have the knowledgeable persons here.. however, we do need to send them to take a test organized by Department of Industrial. Then, after passing , they will grant us a license.
* AEO- Is this referring to Authorized Economy Operator? If it is, no, we do not have it.
* Known consigner certificate (airfreight) – Based on my checking, our commercial team does know the overview concept… However, If you do mean in full detail, at the moment, we have none…
* Temp controlled warehouse for 5 -45 degrees- Currently, our average figure is around 32 degrees (during the summer season).
* ISO 9001- Yes, we are registered and covered under ISO 9001: 2008 in which we have scheduled to transit on next coming year for new version of 2015.
* ISO 13485- This is focused on the quality of medical devises product… and no, we do not have that…