BDD affects about two percent of the people in the United States and strikes males and
females equally, usually before age eighteen (70 percent of the time). However, there are
some studies that indicate that BDD is more prevalent in men than in women. The reason
for this difference is not known. Some people with BDD use plastic surgery as an answer
to their never ending dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. One of the
manifestations of Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD) is seeking professional medical help,
in particular, going to plastic surgeons to correct aspects of ones appearance. As many as
half of the people with BDD turn to cosmetic surgery and dermatological treatments for
help. In study by Phillips and Dufresne, out of 268 patients presenting for dermatological
treatment 11.9 percent screened positive for BDD. In another study done on 289 people
(250 adults and 39 kids) who have meat diagnostic criteria for BDD according to DSMIV
demonstrated that 76.4 percent of them were looking for non-psychiatric treatment
and 66 percent of adults received it.