During the study there were 16 confirmed adult mortalities on site
1, and six onsite 2. Overall, swift fox deaths were
caused by coyote predation (N ¼ 14), vehicles (N ¼ 4) and
other unknown causes (N ¼ 4). Annual survival was 66%
on site 2, and 44% on site 1, although this difference was
not statistically significant (Z test: Z ¼ 1:53, P ¼ 0:08).
Cause-specific mortality rates differed statistically between
sites for coyote predation (Z ¼ 2:55, P ¼ 0:01), but not for
vehicles (Z ¼ 1:47, P ¼ 0:10) or other unknown causes
(Z ¼ 0:51, P ¼ 0:53)