Visit the Moon!
Gulliver (in the UFO) can be shot down out of the sky. After you give him his 5 parts, he gives you a gift. But he has a certain limit on his gifts (14). On the 15th time fixing up his UFO, he'll tell you that he's out of gifts (uh-oh). He says the next time he comes here, he'll have an idea of something to give/do to you. So, wait until the next time he comes over. Shoot him down (for the 16th time) and collect his parts. He'll say he knows how to reward you, and you will find out tomorrow. When you go outside your house, Gulliver will greet you and ask you to follow him. He'll bring you to his ship and you and him will get in it. He'll take off and after a minute of seeing stars, you'll land on the moon. You won't find much, you can see craters and the earth, but not much else. The only interesting thing is this weird plant. It has 1 piece of fruit, shake it off. You will find that the whole "tree" falls down. You can pick up the fruit and the "tree". The "tree" can be used as furniture and the fruit picked, so you can harvest more "trees".