But no problem in studies lose concentration in class The bowaeng is often argue and seek forgiveness ngon. Make the time devoted to learning, as well as the decrease in concentration in a bad school, and also affects the whole family, as a direct and indirect as well as direct to home may not support with a girlfriend in wairian make bowaeng Brawl. The problem of children in the wairian or from the depressed classes make parents regret the indirect costs, such as time spent with the family life has diminished because life with more fans, and "some rival" puts more than fans care to take care of your parents, your parents probably will regret not less.
And there is a problem, such as a friend to be able to go to lunch with a friend, or to eat rice with a girlfriend. Another strange feeling vulnerable, whether it be friends or more than friends girlfriend to girlfriend, as well as possibly the single most thought friends would be curved upwards. เดี่ Yong boyfriend is plain, but all problems ngon ....