Last 2 year ago with my friend 4 member . my best friend we went to temple in midnight dark moon we went to searching gold necklace in that day morning because of friend forget the gold necklace in main temple . Me and friend going from back side of temple when i open the door suddenly some sound in temple like girl scream in that main temple me and friend run to go main temple when i go near the door main temple i heard some girl sound " help me help me help me ! " i and friend break the door go in side the main temple when we go in side suddenly every door every window close in side full dark i and friend got scared when everything silent have some sound from roof of main temple when we see up of main temple have one girl catch her head and scream ! " Get out get out ! This my place i will kill every one hear hahaha ! " i and friend got scared so much we run of that temple . Thin now we don't no what happen to that temple before and what happen to that midnight