In view of provide scientific basis for groundwater resources protection and rational
utilization, osculating value method was used to perform groundwater quality assessment in
No. 2 water source site of Dawukou District and information entropy was used to determine
the weight of each assessment parameter. The steps for water quality assessment with entropy
weighted osculating value method were depicted in detail. The single index assessment
showed that NH4
+ , F and
Mn in some of the groundwater samples are beyond the permissible
limits slightly, but the comprehensive assessment showed that groundwater quality in the
study area was basically fit for drinking and the most influencing indices affecting the
groundwater quality were Tfe, pH and NH4
+ . Special attention should be paid to these indices
to prevent groundwater pollution. The entropy weighted osculating value method was proved
an easy and effective method for groundwater quality assessment.
Keywords: Osculating value method, entropy weight, groundwater quality assessment, water
resources, water quality