3.2. Cooking loss and expressible moisture
After cooking to an internal temperature of 71.7 C in a water bath, cooking loss (CL,%) and expressible moisture (EM,%) were measured, as showed in Table 4. Mean values for CL in all treatments varied from 1 to 2% and no differences in CL values were observed (P>0.05) among the treatments (Table 4). CL values of treatments cooked in a water bath may not be directly comparable with those of actual smokehouse cooking because the latter would be more extreme condition. Bloukas et al. (1997) reported that if the beef sausages were cooked in boiling water for 2 min, CL was determined less than 1%, however, approximately 17–20% of processing loss was found under the cooking in a smokehouse.
3.2. Cooking loss and expressible moisture After cooking to an internal temperature of 71.7 C in a water bath, cooking loss (CL,%) and expressible moisture (EM,%) were measured, as showed in Table 4. Mean values for CL in all treatments varied from 1 to 2% and no differences in CL values were observed (P>0.05) among the treatments (Table 4). CL values of treatments cooked in a water bath may not be directly comparable with those of actual smokehouse cooking because the latter would be more extreme condition. Bloukas et al. (1997) reported that if the beef sausages were cooked in boiling water for 2 min, CL was determined less than 1%, however, approximately 17–20% of processing loss was found under the cooking in a smokehouse.
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