Baking increases RS content. In a study to evaluate the effect
of baking on RS formation, white bread was baked and divided
into 3 fractions (crumb, inner crust, and outer crust) (Westerlund
and others 1989). Starch levels were found to be highest in dough
and lowest in outer crust after baking for 35 min. RS levels were
lowest in dough and highest in crumb after baking for 35 min. A
low-temperature, long-time baked product contained significantly
higher amounts of RS than bread baked under ordinary conditions
(Liljeberg and others 1996). Addition of lactic acid increased RS recovery
further whereas malt had no impact on RS yield. The highest
level of RS was noted in long-time baked bread based on highamylose
barley flour. RS isolated from wheat-based foods such as
chapatti and phulka was structurally characterized as a linear 1, 4-
linked -D-glucan essentially derived from retrograded amylose
fraction, which was dependent on the severity of the processing
treatments as well as the levels of gluten and damaged starch in the
wheat flour