1.4 B Product A full description of the product must be
documented including relevant safety
information e.g.:
• Composition
• Origin of ingredients
• Physical or chemical structure (including
Aw, pH etc.)
• Treatment and processing (e.g. heating,
freezing, salting)
• Packaging (e.g. modified atmosphere,
• Storage and distribution conditions (e.g. with
specified temperatures)
• Durability and required shelf-life
• Instructions for use
x 1.5 B Intended Use The intended use of the product must be defined,
detailing the end user or consumer and
suitability for vulnerable groups must be
considered e.g. infants, elderly, and allergy
x x 1.6 B Flow Diagram A flow diagram covering all steps in the
operation including rework and waste must be
constructed. This may be generic but it is critical
that all process steps are included and identified
by product.
The diagram must be verified within the
production area.