I need to organize meeting with all of you for Punctual time of month end close.
Due to I get strongly complain again from month end close is not on time and very delay with normally we must finish by 10th and should be distribute to all management by 11-12th with analysis. But now we cannot do as expect so I would like to call meeting today at 6pm.
Please be understand and work well communicate and be strictly on time , please feel free to share your all problem in the meeting so we will try to be Big Improve and no more delay.
Thanks for understanding of my pressure.
I also have to present to all department head and now it's time for me to Immediate action and no more for my execute to all department.
This complains is mainly cause of we delay distribute for P&L in Jan'15 to all department.
I mean for both P&L of Impact and REIT that I have to present to all department.
Khun Ouu,
Please come to my office as well.
Pls attend the meeting today and share your problems for delay issues. In February I very need improvement.
At the end I would like to set Strictly Schedule of month end close from now on. Please be seriously of our duty , we are one team and please brain storm in the meeting today.