Danielle ThomasSeptember 21, 2009Essay: Dream JobMargaret NocitoAll that we have achieved in life are dreams that we have made areality. Dreams are powerful and are bursting with potential. Without dreamsthere would be nothing to work towards and nothing to keep us going in life.My dream is to help people that are suffering and less fortunate than I. Iwant to become a traveling nurse.I believe that life is all about finding yourself. I never really knew whatthat meant until I finally realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Ithink once you find what you are good at you can succeed with just a littleeffort. I believe that I work well with others and I have compassion for thosethat are in need of care or affection. I always knew I wanted to make adifference in peoples’ lives, but I just didn’t know in what way or form