Mali has the largest installed PV / diesel hybrid minigrid in Africa: A 216 kWp system implemented in
2011 thanks to cooperation between the national utility EDM and a private operator with funding from
the Malian Bank for Commerce and Industry. Presently, the World Bank and the AfDB are funding a
project (SREP), including a hybrids component, that plans to implement PV arrays in existing diesel
power plants in 40 localities comprising a total of 5 MWp PV and a total investment budget of
58 million USD (11,600 USD per kWp PV). Another programme managed by the rural electrification
agency (AMADER) is currently hybridizing 17 localities for a planned total of 1 MWp PV power. Several
private operators plan to add PV capacity to diesel power plants (Kama SA: 300 kWp, SSD Yeelen Kura:
300 kWp planned in addition to existing 72 kWp hybrid plant, and Tilgaz: 22 kWp).