Wild animals
Some people believe that wild animals should not be killed or disturbed. Others say, when development takes place rapidly, wild animals cannot be protected. But the truth of the matter is, there is some urgency in protecting wild life. Let us see what it is.
What we call wild life, is it so wild? Man in his selfishness, or may be out of fear, looks upon some of these animals, as wild. As a rule, no animal attacks a person, deliberately. If one intrudes into the haunts of the wild animals, they attack and kill him. Simply because some of the animals live on other animals they should not be considered wild. If that were to be the standard, man who slaughters tens and thousands of animals for his food, must be wild indeed.
Everything in nature has its part to play. Taken a broad view of things, nothing is superfluous and nothing is wasteful in nature. There should be a balance by their own right. If the tiger does not prey on the deer, the number of deer in the forest will grow out of proportion and will prove a menace to the plant life. The hare may be innocent but in large numbers it is also bad. The balance is set by the wolves and the wild dogs. Thus there seems to be a natural controlling mechanism in which the wild animals play a significant role.
The danger from them apart, most of the wild animals are very beautiful. What a beautiful thing is the tiger! How majestic is the lion! Even the sluggish hippo has got some power. Wild animals should include rare birds. There is a complaint that they are being destroyed indiscriminately. Even the snakes have a part to play. Where they have destroyed snakes, the rats are proving a menace. As the snakes live on the rats, the rat population is controlled. Man in all his selfishness tampers with nature's ways and ultimately he will be the loser. The wild animals have got a definite place in the economy of nature. They must not be destroyed but preserved.
superfluous more than is needed or wanted
out of proportion Not in proper relation to other things
live on sth to only eat a particular type of food