There is virtually not a thing you see in everyday life that doesn't experience some sort of heat transfer, whether small or large. Heat has transferred in the 3 means, and we utilize these means for our own purposes. In addition, many phenomena of everyday life is a function of heat transfer (e.g. wind is caused by the heating of the Earth's surface by radiation and convection/conduction). I also feel it is important to note that convection is really just a form of conduction; in convection, the heat is still conducted through molecules. I'll give you a couple examples of heat transfer that you will find in everyday life.
Convection/conduction - look at any electronic hardware, and you will most likely find some sort of fins somewhere (they are also present in those large electronic enclosures you see around towns). There are typically many of them evenly separated so the heat produced from electronics can be passed along these fins and passed out into the surrounding environment. In a computer, you will notice a fan near the hot electronic hardware so the heat transfer is further induced. As a result, the computer doesn't over heat. Conduction passes the heat through the fins, and convection passes the heat into the surround environment.
Convection/conduction - any heat exchanger uses both forms of heat transfer to perform its function. A heat exchanger is a device that transfer heat from one medium to another. In order to do so, conduction and convection have to move that heat. The 2 mediums pass very close 2 each other, typically separated by a wall, and the temperature difference between the 2 mediums causes the heat transfer. The heat transfer through the wall is conduction, and the heat transfer from the wall to the liquid is convection because the medium will always be in direct contact with the wall.
Other examples of conduction are the boiling of water, the reason the surround surfaces near hot equipment is hot, touching an ice cube, etc. Anytime 2 objects are in contact, and theres a temperature difference, there will be heat transfer in the form of conduction.
Another example of convection is the heating/cooling of a room by use of a heater/air-conditioner.
Here are some examples of Radiation:
-Heat from the sun warming your face
-Heat from a lightbulb
-Heat from a fire
-Heat from anything else which is warmer than its surroundings
Radiation tends to make your skill feel more toxic when you are exposed to it. It makes you feel like you are getting burned more than anything. I think this is the best way to explain it. In addition, black body objects are more prevalent to radiation because a black body has an emissivity of 1.0.
I hope this helps!