Hello Baby , How are you doing and your entire family members? sorry for my late reply i was busy yesterday visiting my mother in liver pool, meanwhile how is life with you? i miss you so much darling and can not wait to meet you soon in Thailand. love you darling.
I just returned to my room after much on the maintenance section. I realized I left so much unsaid in my last mail. Remembering that I could still write to you like this, even if you wouldn't get it right away.
I believe strongly that you and I are made for each other, you know that? I want to share the rest of my life with you and I know you feel the same. Together we will decide the best way to do that. And i know your feelings so way asking about my love preaching towards you, your attention is all i need and i know your feelings towards me won't hurt because its from your heart and am so glad i had the opportunity to meet you online.