This section describes the interface of the mobile map
annotation system.
Any user can register guide annotations by using the
following procedure:
1) Start the system app.
2) Select a marker on the map to register guide annotations.
3) Add photos and explanations.
4) Send guide annotations to the server by tapping the
register button.
5.2. Main screen
The main screen of the system’s app is shown in Fig.
10. The map image shown is retrieved from the server of
OpenStreetMap [3]. Any user can make the main screen
transition to the register screen by tapping a marker or line,
and then register guide annotations there. Further, they can
add new landmarks by changing the state of the togglebutton
at the bottom left corner.
5.3. Annotation interface
The annotation interface is shown in Fig. 11. Users
register guide annotations on this screen. The camera is
activated when the camera icon is tapped. Users can also
confirm whether the photo has been registered by tapping
the image icon