E. Transport layer
OSI model the most important layer. Session layer
transport layer to determine the user (end-users on the
network) to provide what services. The best transport
connection is a no errors in the pipeline in order to transmit
data, the transport layer connection to the real point to point.
Flow control protocol at the same time in order to receive or
receiving data based on how quickly provide appropriate
sending rate. In addition, the transport layer in accordance
with the maximum size of the network can handle long
packets will force the split. Work in the transport layer of a
service is the TCP / IP protocol suite of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), another transport layer service is IPX /
SPX protocol set the SPX (Sequence Packet Exchange).
The primary function of the transport layer for network
users on different hosts and reliable data communication
between processes, including error recovery protocol is
selected or no error recovery protocol, and in the same host
different applications on the input data stream multiplexing ,
But also the order of the received packet does not re-sorting.
Transport layer provides transparent top (do not rely on
specific networks) for reliable data transmission. If the
network layer is concerned, "point to point" of the
transmitting point by point, we can say that the transport
layer is concerned that "end"(source to destination) of the
final results. Its features include: flow control, multiplexing,
virtual circuit management and error correction and recovery.
Where technology enables a number of different
multi-application data can be shared to achieve a single
physical link transmission; virtual circuit is a logical channel
data transmission, the transport layer establishment,
maintenance and termination; correction function can detect
the occurrence of errors And to take measures (such as
retransmission) to solve the problem.
Transport layer protocols include: TCP [5,6], UDP, SPX
and so on.
E. Transport layerOSI model the most important layer. Session layertransport layer to determine the user (end-users on thenetwork) to provide what services. The best transportconnection is a no errors in the pipeline in order to transmitdata, the transport layer connection to the real point to point.Flow control protocol at the same time in order to receive orreceiving data based on how quickly provide appropriatesending rate. In addition, the transport layer in accordancewith the maximum size of the network can handle longpackets will force the split. Work in the transport layer of aservice is the TCP / IP protocol suite of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), another transport layer service is IPX /SPX protocol set the SPX (Sequence Packet Exchange).The primary function of the transport layer for networkusers on different hosts and reliable data communicationbetween processes, including error recovery protocol isselected or no error recovery protocol, and in the same hostdifferent applications on the input data stream multiplexing ,But also the order of the received packet does not re-sorting.Transport layer provides transparent top (do not rely onspecific networks) for reliable data transmission. If thenetwork layer is concerned, "point to point" of thetransmitting point by point, we can say that the transportlayer is concerned that "end"(source to destination) of thefinal results. Its features include: flow control, multiplexing,การแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดและการจัดการวงจรเสมือนและการกู้คืนที่ใช้จำนวนแตกต่างกันสามารถใช้ร่วมกับโปรแกรมประยุกต์หลายข้อมูลให้เดียวส่งการเชื่อมโยงทางกายภาพ วงจรเสมือนเป็นช่องทางตรรกะส่งข้อมูล ก่อตั้งเลเยอร์ขนส่งบำรุงรักษาและการเลิกจ้าง ฟังก์ชันการแก้ไขสามารถตรวจสอบได้เกิดข้อผิดพลาด และใช้มาตรการ (เช่นretransmission) เพื่อแก้ไขปัญหารวมโพรโทคอลเลเยอร์ขนส่ง: TCP [5,6], UDP, SPXและอื่น ๆ
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