• Care within the agency
o run No. letter
o signed documents, letters and documents.
• Care about Waste
o Send report data monthly submit to transport Waste ieat, Municipal
Department of the factory.
o PR value of Waste each month and pay status check.
o Waste report key Online delivery Department of the factory.
o Sort the documents into files each month Minifest
o ISO documents about Waste (waste delivery, invoice, check Store Waste).
• Care of books to run the numbers for book and CD.
o Run the various books and CD number.
• Care equipment environmental measurements.
o Check expiration date.
o Send a test machine.
• Care about the financial Cost of an agency number pay the budget request.
o Reimbursement of various expenses, his brothers, when there is an Advance.
o Advance the money for activities that the Agency held in.
• Notification of work in the various systems.
o Banquet and check the
o Hotel reservations jobs
o Inform the rental vehicle.
o Inform IT one job notification job rent computers.
o Meeting room booking jobs.
o Repair and improvements
o Reimbursement of parcels and office equipment
• Admin index recording quality, occupational health and the environment.
o Store the document's index.
o Do the Scan files and Index.
• Out-of-order PR including the asking price.
• Support agencies.