1) Refer to question ask “Assess the impact of this situation on business performance , what factors and management decision must be considered when developing a solution to this problem”
Answer :
Using ITIL practice to assess the information. Here below a brief steps require IT management and key end user heads up
1) Before executing any changes ,the management require to setting up the key group service owner per each service and key user
2) Normalize the Service information by grouping the server (as CI)
3) Make the relation of application/data/service per service group
>> after complete this step , we will know what the impact / relation per each applications/servers
4) Analyze the data flow and transits of information per each services , find data packets hops by hops from start to end , then can pin point the cause which lead the performance issue.
**In the future ,as there are a various product vendor , analyze the impact of technology per each service /product if the data is increasing 100% in this coming 5 years ( this can foresee technology /vendor product able to support the business growth ?)
If possible Analyze how possible to grouping the server technology change to be one server unit -(grouping server and application following by service) this can help IT to be easier to manage the server per service product. , Trying to utilize the backend infrastructure ex. One server VM for multi applications and separate storage management , build the back up solution align with the critical business product.
2) Refer to questions What factor that Qantas management to decide replace new IT technology or outsource ?
Answer : To outsourcing need to analyze following factor of the investment of IT /resource maintenance comparing with the outsourcing solution cost , and years/service ,if no growth messy technology require much in the future , this can decide to go on ‘Outsourcing solution’ as there still the cost of resource IT require to continual maintain and also higher cost in the future
This most likely to Outsource as the target Qantas just want to keep low cost service. Then IT which is an asset to facilitate business should be able control budget cost.
Align per services. As Qantas require the provide the ‘High level of customer service’
Here below the key point require to address the SLA agreement with Outsourcing company.
1) Service reliability ‘need to close 100%’ è indicate what service function require to be keep SLA 100% ex. Ticket reservation , Boarding check in system , in term of technique require no single point of failure in the system
2) % close incident align with incident severity è agreed the classification of incident severity , (for high incident severity require very less time to complete)