Please find my intentions below as I need to be as clear as possible for PR functional.
1. The function of the PR NOT and never will be an isolated one. It is linked to every single department in this company and in the nature of the business. So I would like you to be involved in and on top of all developmental aspects of the IPs, Operations, HR, F&B departments etc.. with immediate effect. That is, at any one time, I do expect you to be on top of what the rest of the departments are doing..
2. With immediate effect, I do expect my PR personnel to start making personal calls to targeted media now to pave the way for an easier sell when we push the big news…
3. While the PR Plan is on process I do expect you to working on this tasks below:
a. PR activities and execution
i. Regular promotional campaigns, IPs events, CSR news, Corp. branding, Celebrity visit, Awards etc..
b. Innovative and stylish writing of (lifestyle)PR materials
i. Press Release, articles, interview articles, photo captions, photo scoops, calendar news etc..
c. Prepare Key message
i. Talking points, and script for management interview
d. Handling all media welcome and enquiries noted at any event required
e. Preparation of press kit and registration collaterals for PR event and media visit
f. Organize local media familiarization trip
g. Corporate event conceptualization
h. News dissemination to targeted media
i. Covering lifestyle, travel, society, educations, family, business, entertainment, women’s and other required media locally
Please find my intentions below as I need to be as clear as possible for PR functional.
1. The function of the PR NOT and never will be an isolated one. It is linked to every single department in this company and in the nature of the business. So I would like you to be involved in and on top of all developmental aspects of the IPs, Operations, HR, F&B departments etc.. with immediate effect. That is, at any one time, I do expect you to be on top of what the rest of the departments are doing..
2. With immediate effect, I do expect my PR personnel to start making personal calls to targeted media now to pave the way for an easier sell when we push the big news…
3. While the PR Plan is on process I do expect you to working on this tasks below:
a. PR activities and execution
i. Regular promotional campaigns, IPs events, CSR news, Corp. branding, Celebrity visit, Awards etc..
b. Innovative and stylish writing of (lifestyle)PR materials
i. Press Release, articles, interview articles, photo captions, photo scoops, calendar news etc..
c. Prepare Key message
i. Talking points, and script for management interview
d. Handling all media welcome and enquiries noted at any event required
e. Preparation of press kit and registration collaterals for PR event and media visit
f. Organize local media familiarization trip
g. Corporate event conceptualization
h. News dissemination to targeted media
i. Covering lifestyle, travel, society, educations, family, business, entertainment, women’s and other required media locally
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