The website is managed and updated by a consortium of organizations in Chiang Mai including Creative Chiang Mai, the Northern Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association (NOHMEX), the Chiang Mai University Science & Technology Park and the College of Media, Art and Technology at Chiang Mai University. The website is designed and maintained by Digital Zoo; Digital Zoo is a full-service multimedia design agency based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
The website is an information only portal and operates on a not-for-profit basis. There is no company directly involved and all sales and transactions are made directly with the craft companies or individual makers.
The website was original developed with funding from the British Council. As well as investing grant funding from it's Creative and Cultural Economy program fund, the British Council also facilitated a range of UK experts to help shape and develop the website and organize other activities under a long-term and still ongoing collaboration project (now in its 5th year) with Creative Chiang Mai.