Gesture based interfaces allow human computer interaction to
be in a natural as well as intuitive manner. It makes the
interaction device free which makes it useful for dynamic
environment It is though unfortunate that with the ever
increasing interaction in dynamic environments and
corresponding input technologies still not many applications
are available which are controlled using current and smart
facility of providing input which is by hand gesture. The most
important advantage of the usage of hand gesture based input
modes is that using this method the users get that ability to
interact with the application from a distance without any
physical interaction with the keyboard or mouse. This paper
implements a hand gesture recognition system which is used
for browsing images in the image browser and provides a
fruitful solution towards a user friendly interface between
human and computer using hand gestures. The proporsed
research work could be very efficiently used in a varied
domain of applications where the human computer interaction
is the regular requirements. One of the most apt usages of the
current research work could be in the education technology.
As education technology needs to be quite interactive with the
new technology like computers and if controlling of these
devices could be made easier i.e. through hand gestures
instead of the complex command or usage of numerolittral
keys and selection processes.Also the gesture vocabulary
designed can be further extended for controlling different
applications like game control etc. The vocabulary designed
also gives flexibility to define gestures based on the user
interest for specific command which make the gesture
recognition system more user friendly .As the system provides
the flexibility to the users and specifically physically
challenged users to define the gesture according to their
feasibility and ease of use