3.1. Total Antioxidant Activity
The total antioxidant activities of various banana peel
extracts are depicted in Table 1. The values represent the
total antioxidant capacity of banana peel extracts expressed
in terms of equivalents of ascorbic acid. This
assay gives an estimate of the overall antioxidant potential
of the banana peel [16]. In the presence of the extracts,
Mo(VI) is reduced to Mo(V) and forms a greencoloured
phosphomolybdenum V complex, which shows
maximum absorbance at 700 nm. According to the results,
the ethanolic extract of Pachainadan showed higher
activity in the range of 5.85 mM·g–1 in comparison to
other varieties of banana peel, whereas the ethanolic extract
of Nendran showed least activity. Similar studies by
Gonzalez-Montelongo et al. [17] showed the total antioxidant
activity of banana peel extract under different
solvent and incubation conditions.