5.1 Obligation of party “A”
- Insurance the law of Royal Government as likes the agreement.
- Responsible on payments sand dredging 100% (one hundred percent) on total project.
- Party “A” insures security on parking machinery (Up to the targeted of ministry of water resource) and responsible on strike from villager or prohibits from local authority around working-site in 7 days if cannot find any resolution, Party “A” must solve the problem. When the problem cannot be solve, Party “A” have to pay for the workers expend till disputed solution have been solved.
5.2 Obligation of party “B”
- Responsible on technical expert worker and machinery and obey the law in Cambodia.
- Running sand pump pass house of people party “A” shall be covering.
- The meaning that when receive plan for dredging fill up from party “A” , party “B” shall acknowledge follow technical and above condition and with sample plan.
5.3 General Obligation
- Mutual coordination basic on directly meeting about time or program transfer by message changing the point in accordance with requirement of both parties to mutual inform and find resolution in order to reserve benefit together.
- If any creating by other party absent the meeting or delay for implementation of agreement that party shall penalty follow International Commerce Law.
- If wrongdoing with the principle of water Resources all problem that happened party “B” is responsible.