Good morning Jay , well I got a couple of teeth pulled yesterday which wasn't very nice and in a bit of pain today but that's ok ...Im still alive.
Ok so you are off to Japan , that is so cool ,Ive always wanted to go snowboarding there , they have some of the best powder on their mountains.
Im not sure when my swing lands in feb but will have a look today , hopefully we can see each other then or I might wait until you get back , half the reason for me to come to Thailand is to see you , the other half is to go to your dentists there , am working on that brad pit smile ha
Good teeth and fancy shoes get the ladys yeah ? Hey believe me Im not a ladys man or as you thais call them 'butterfys'? but I do like nice clothes ...especially shoes and I have neglected my teeth for to long,,plus its so much cheaper to go to the dentist there , in Australia they charge like a raging bull
Hope I haven't bored you too much with my words , do you have Skype at all ? I don't have line and I wont be on this site much longer ..anyway you go well now jay and best wishes for the day