Dough Dos & Don’ts
Do use 00 flour. In Italy, flour is classified as either 2, 1, 0, or 00 (doppio zero). The numbers refer to how finely the flour is ground. 00 flour is the most finely ground and powder-soft, but it also has high levels of protein and gluten, which give pizza dough a wonderful strength and elasticity. As any Neapolitan will tell you, it’s essential for great pizza dough.
Don’t chill the dough. Humidity in the refrigerator can alter the dough’s texture, and it’s harder to stretch when cold.
Don’t use a rolling pin. It would be very un-Neapolitan of you; also, there’s no need since Maselli’s supple dough easily stretches by hand.
Do fry at the right temperature. A low oil temperature will cook the dough too slowly, leading to a tough, crackerlike crust; 375°F is best. Use a deep-fry thermometer to monitor the temp.
Do fry with the right oil. Rice bran oil, which has a high smoke point and good flavor, is ideal—Maselli swears by it—but you can use canola oil, too.
Don’t overload the toppings. A light hand will keep the crispy fried crust from getting soggy.