Venus in connection with Uranus and the Aquarius Moon show enthusiasm for a topic. A detective or research project was discussed previously. You need peace and quiet and patience and should no longer occupy yourself with superficial things. Use your time well. Go into the depths and find the treasure that is concealed there. If the project is not related to your employment, you will now probably need a break so that you can pursue this inclination in peace and quiet. The matter is personally important to you. It may not bring any economic benefit, but things like this always pay off in the end. Do it for your own sake and for your peace of mind.
Partnership / Love:
The conflicts are over. Now you get along with each other once again and find mutual topics that make you happy. These are not even new topics, but you failed to attribute enough importance to them because you thought that they were "too" ordinary. During this week, the value of everyday things will be given a new meaning and much more weight on this occasion.