In this work UHS structural and abrasion resistant (AR) steels were heat treated with a single 4 kW Yb: YAG –laser beam. Aim of
the softening heat treatments was to enhance the formability locally with minimized strength lose. 1.8 mm thick B24CR boron steel
was used for hardening tests. Study presents the possibilities and limitations in laser processing showing that a single laser beam
is suitable for heat treating of sheets through the whole cross-section up to the thickness of 6 mm. In the case of the 6 mm thick
sheets, the achieved maximum temperature in the cross-section varies as a function of the depth. Consequently, the microstructure
and mechanical properties differ between the surfaces and the center of the cross-section (layered microstructure). For better
understanding, all layers were tested in tensile tests. The 10 mm thick sheet was heat treated separately on the both surfaces by
heating to a lower temperature range to produce a shallow tempered layer. The tensile and bendability tests as well as hardness
measurements indicated that laser heat treatment can be used to highly improve the bendability locally without significant strength
losses. Laser process has been optimized by transverse scanning movement and with a simple FE-model.