1.2. Objectives and Terms of Reference
The main objectives of the assignment were to
1. Provide an update/overview of the Thai Pomelo sector in domestic and international
2. To study and update the basic value chain analysis and supply chain management system,
starting from farm level to retailer level, i.e. growers, middlemen/traders,
manufacturers/processors/ packing houses, exporters, logistics providers, importers and
retailers and identify supply chain management solutions for the sector.
3. To assess the risks, constraints, internal and external factors by taking into account all the
related regulations, such as GLOBALGAP requirements, HACCP and GMP, retailer
expectations and potentials of other quality and certification schemes as Fairtrade and EU
organic certification in order to expose the critical issues of the sector and the ranking of
gaps between actual practices and European requirements as well as other relevant risks
and factors.
4. Include concerned stakeholders for the validation of findings and the implementation of
interventions in order to propose valid action plans towards improved market access for
Thai Pomelo into EU markets.
1.3. Methodology
1. Gather, update and complete information from different sources through systematic desk
2. Conduct in-depth interviews among different stakeholders such as producers,
processors, exporters and potential buyers (importers and retailers). Some interviews
have been done via e-mail correspondence or phone.
3. Analyze, confirm and summarize collected data for review also in form of a paper
provided as input to workshop with stakeholders.
4. Analyze opportunities and constraints within the sub-sector and weight those interactively
with stakeholders
5. Weight sector strategies and intervention ideas
6. Complete documentation of findings
1.2. Objectives and Terms of ReferenceThe main objectives of the assignment were to1. Provide an update/overview of the Thai Pomelo sector in domestic and internationalaspects.2. To study and update the basic value chain analysis and supply chain management system,starting from farm level to retailer level, i.e. growers, middlemen/traders,manufacturers/processors/ packing houses, exporters, logistics providers, importers andretailers and identify supply chain management solutions for the sector.3. To assess the risks, constraints, internal and external factors by taking into account all therelated regulations, such as GLOBALGAP requirements, HACCP and GMP, retailerexpectations and potentials of other quality and certification schemes as Fairtrade and EUorganic certification in order to expose the critical issues of the sector and the ranking ofgaps between actual practices and European requirements as well as other relevant risksand factors.4. Include concerned stakeholders for the validation of findings and the implementation ofinterventions in order to propose valid action plans towards improved market access forThai Pomelo into EU markets.1.3. Methodology1. Gather, update and complete information from different sources through systematic deskresearch.2. Conduct in-depth interviews among different stakeholders such as producers,processors, exporters and potential buyers (importers and retailers). Some interviewsได้รับการดำเนินการผ่านทางอีเมล์จดหมายหรือโทรศัพท์3. วิเคราะห์ ยืนยัน และสรุปรวบรวมข้อมูลสำหรับการรีวิวในรูปแบบของกระดาษให้เป็นอินพุตในการประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการกับผู้เกี่ยวข้อง4. วิเคราะห์โอกาสและข้อจำกัดในภาคย่อย และน้ำหนักที่มีการโต้ตอบมีส่วนได้ส่วนเสีย5. น้ำหนักภาคกลยุทธ์และความคิดแทรกแซง6. เอกสารผลการวิจัยที่สมบูรณ์
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..