The main challenges of the hospitality industry & the food sector are:-
● Intangibility – such as ambiance
● Simultaneous production & consumption - where mass production is difficult for it requires large
amounts of customers & producers in one placer which would cause environmental, social, cultural &
economic problems
● Heterogeneity – where service experience may vary due to different producers & consumers with
different needs & requirements
● Consistency – is difficult to achieve due to the intangible element in food & beverage
● Perishability – where unused hospitality services cannot be stored, returned, claimed or resold
z Ownership – where the consumer only owns a hospitality product only for a certain period of time
z No guarantees – with little aftercare or service
zImitation is easy – with no patents on service processes & easily copied by competitors
zSeasonality – where staffing & expenses are challenging to many restaurant operators
zExternal variables – that impact the running of the business such as political, economic,
social, technological, legal & environmental change