Article 2, the wastes classified as
hazardous are considered to display one or more of the properties
listed in Annex III to Directive 91/689/EEC and, as regards H3 to H8,
H10 and H11 of the said Annex, one or more of the physicochemical
characteristics listed. Furthermore, in the Annex, point 6, it is
further clarified that if a waste is identified as hazardous by a
specific or general reference to dangerous substances, the waste is
hazardous only if the concentrations of those substances are such
that the waste presents one or more of the properties listed in
Annex III to Council Directive 91/689/EEC. For the purpose of this
Decision, “dangerous substance” means any substance that has been
or will be classified as dangerous in Directive 67/548/EEC and its
subsequent amendments.