nl4 Copyright protection begins at creation and generally endures for the author's life plus seventy years; this makes the minimum duration seventy years. See id. § 302. Certain classes of works are granted different terms, but these are all greater than seventy years. See id.
nl5 The exclusive rights of reproduction, derivative work production, and distribution are granted to authors of all protected works. Id. § 106(l)-(3). The exclusive rights of performance and display extend (where applicable) to all classes of protected works except for sound recordings and architectural works; a separate digital performance right exists for sound recordings. See id. § 106(4)-(6).
nl6 Cf. id. § 106A (granting a limited right of attribution and integrity to authors of a narrowly-defined class of "visual art" works). For the definition of a "work of visual art," see id. § 101.