„I am what kind, is what kind , the time anything matter of martial arts contest will occur in any case, I forgive his life, has calculated benevolently.” The Chen Xiang loud voice response said that does not fear this person, he in Sacred Dan World, the fierce immortal and dragon by his slaughter, that power and influence in his heart, naturally had been formed.
Gu Dongchen looks that sky that flake gold said that sneers saying: „What shrinking is any real man, has to plant!”
Sky gold cloud diverges suddenly, that sound has not been appearing.
Chen Xiang looked at one Zuo Zhenxuan who walks: „Zuo, Demon Subduing School the human by Demon Subduing temple has not been controlled now, the secret person is Tai Yunhong, he was pursued by the Demon Subduing temple, you find the way to relate the Heaven World Demon Subduing temple, otherwise that Tai Yunhong will do all kinds of evil things with the Demon Subduing School reputation.”
„I knew!” Zuo Zhenxuan returned to one, leaves hurriedly.
Gu Dongchen also brings Chen Xiang to step into Teleportation Array, returned to Extreme Martial Sect.
Extreme Martial Mysterious Realm, in the secret room in Gu Dongchen residence.
„Young Martial Uncle, you said slowly that Tai Yunhong how you did know?” Gu Dongchen said.
„When I with that Wang Shengren martial arts contest, pressed for an answer, naturally, he sent greetings to me with Divine Sense!” Chen Xiang sighed: „Wang Shengren and Tai Yunhong have Divine Soul, but these Divine Soul were incomplete, is they robs from the Demon Subduing temple.”
Divine Soul! This thing Gu Dongchen has certainly heard, he has thought quickly of anything.
„What mentioned, they caught that many youth, was extracts the soul to practice, making that incomplete Divine Soul complete?” A Gu Dongchen face angrily: „This fellow, I must seize him!”
The Chen Xiang nod said: „Is this, they when transmit, Tai Yunhong mixes, moreover he takes advantage of some resources that he has, bought over these Demon Subduing School elders, he hides in Demon Subduing School, has controlled Man Futian, does not make Man Futian relate the Demon Subduing temple!”