exact effect of the interested agent on a particular issue of disease.
As we mentioned before, in this preliminary study with small size
of animal samples, according to the ethical limitations of the animal
studies, we speculated the preventive and regressive effects of
“high dose” intravenous vitamin C in an endometriosis model.
Different dose regimens and additional settings including GnRH
agonists will be our future direction for investigating the effects of
vitamin C properly.
In conclusion, we may speculate that vitamin C has a remarkable
effect on the reduction of endometrial implant induction and
growth, and further research is required to improve targeted interventions
aimed at the prophylaxis and treatment of human
endometriosis. The use of systemic high-dose vitamin C as a potential
therapeutic agent in the treatment of endometriosis is at an
experimental stage. These findings can be useful if they are supported
by subsequent research carried out with a greater number of
cases and various different experimental designs.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.
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