The increasing amount of solid waste arising from munici-palities and other sources and its consequent disposal have beenthe major environmental and economic problems in Turkey. Theseproblems enforce MSW to be one of the renewable energy sources in Turkey such that 25 million tons of MSW is produced annuallynationwide. Landfilling technique which is used to generateenergy from MSW is a primary waste management option inTurkey. However, this technique has some environmental pro-blems such as anthropogenic methane and carbon dioxide emis-sions, water pollution due to leachate production, etc. According tothe European Union (EU) landfill directive (1999/31/EC), theamount of biodegradable organic waste deposited in landfillsshould be decreased by 65% of the 1995 level by 2016. On contraryto this, landfill technique is more eco-friendly one when comparedwith incineration technique [1]