that significant antioxidant potential of R. steudneri is attributed to
high content of above mentioned group of chemicals. With regard
to the discussion on phytochemicals responsible for antioxidant
effects of above mentioned species, it is necessary to note that
chemical composition and biological activity of plant extracts can
significantly be affected by extraction technique and type of solvent
used (Dai andMumper, 2010).In comparison with plants used commonly
as herbal medicines and spices such as Ceylon cinnamon tree
(Cinnamomum verum) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) which previously
demonstrated strong antioxidant capacity in ORAC assay
(1000–2000 g TE/mg extract) (Wojcikowski et al., 2007; Dudonné
et al., 2009), the extracts of R. steudneri, R. nepalensis, J. abyssinicum
and D. angustifolia exhibited results similar to above mentioned
plant species. Furthermore, strong correlation between TPC and
antioxidant assays (DPPH and ORAC) was previously observed for
that significant antioxidant potential of R. steudneri is attributed tohigh content of above mentioned group of chemicals. With regardto the discussion on phytochemicals responsible for antioxidanteffects of above mentioned species, it is necessary to note thatchemical composition and biological activity of plant extracts cansignificantly be affected by extraction technique and type of solventused (Dai andMumper, 2010).In comparison with plants used commonlyas herbal medicines and spices such as Ceylon cinnamon tree(Cinnamomum verum) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) which previouslydemonstrated strong antioxidant capacity in ORAC assay(1000–2000 g TE/mg extract) (Wojcikowski et al., 2007; Dudonnéet al., 2009), the extracts of R. steudneri, R. nepalensis, J. abyssinicumand D. angustifolia exhibited results similar to above mentionedplant species. Furthermore, strong correlation between TPC andantioxidant assays (DPPH and ORAC) was previously observed for
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