At the end of the study, the NPs did not feel an SCP
added time to the regular visit, but provided more
structure when reviewing the information contained
within the SCP.
Almost all survivor participants found the SCP easy
to use and understand (see Table 3). Although some
thought they would need help using it, the SCP received
high satisfaction (—X = 5, SD = 0.56) and usability
(—X = 4, SD = 0.38) ratings from survivors. PCPs rated
the usability of the SCP highly (—X = 4, SD = 0.5) but
commented that it was too long for their use (see Table
4). Written comments from patients and PCPs were reviewed
by the study team; all were positive and related
to the reassurance the written plan provided.
At the end of the study, the NPs did not feel an SCPadded time to the regular visit, but provided morestructure when reviewing the information containedwithin the SCP.Almost all survivor participants found the SCP easyto use and understand (see Table 3). Although somethought they would need help using it, the SCP receivedhigh satisfaction (—X = 5, SD = 0.56) and usability(—X = 4, SD = 0.38) ratings from survivors. PCPs ratedthe usability of the SCP highly (—X = 4, SD = 0.5) butcommented that it was too long for their use (see Table4). Written comments from patients and PCPs were reviewedby the study team; all were positive and relatedto the reassurance the written plan provided.
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