Carbon footprint analysis of EIB projects does not include the implementation period if the project, but only the
operating period. Emission factors recommended for using are those specific to the project, and in case of
unavailability, IPCC factors will be used. Emissions are calculated for the entire project, even if is required a smaller
involvement of the bank in financing the investment.
The methodology used by the EBRD in order to evaluate carbon of funded projects resembles that of EIB, once
EIB is one of the shareholders. However, there are specific features in order to simplify the calculation method as
(EBRD, 2010):
Carbon footprint analysis of EIB projects does not include the implementation period if the project, but only theoperating period. Emission factors recommended for using are those specific to the project, and in case ofunavailability, IPCC factors will be used. Emissions are calculated for the entire project, even if is required a smallerinvolvement of the bank in financing the investment.The methodology used by the EBRD in order to evaluate carbon of funded projects resembles that of EIB, onceEIB is one of the shareholders. However, there are specific features in order to simplify the calculation method as(EBRD, 2010):
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